Today's service was the bomb, Thank God I did not doze at all.
When I gave my life to Christ, I believed one of the things that would make me know
God better was to read the word of God but today my mind was elevated to
another level of what the bible is. I attended winners chapel service via
Impact Africa Tv today and Papa opened my mind to understand that the word of
God is our access to living in the supernatural. When a man declares THE WORD
OF GOD (John 6:63), he is going to see THE ACTS OF GOD. Firstly, it is the spirit
of God that empowers man to do the impossible e.g. Samson (Judges 16:20),Paul
(Acts 14:1),You (1 John 4:4).Just as during creation of earth, God declared the
word and the spirit in the word CREATED what he wanted to happen e.g. light, birds,
animals, plants etc. The word of God is like a coded command(for example its
like me tapping the keyboard of my laptop, the laptop decodes it and shows what
I commanded it to display), the same thing works with the word of God, when
used, it is creates what the user wants(Proverbs 4:22). This means that I can
command divine health, wealth, favour and any other thing I want by declaring
the word of God and I would see it. I really felt like a child today indeed the
entrance of the word of God giveth light.
Another thing he pointed out was the communion, the communion
is our access to the life of Christ (John 6:49-54). The life of Christ includes
wisdom, divine health, commanding miracles, understanding and everything that
makes Christ supernatural (1 Corinthians 11:27-30). Therefore, I can take the
communion and receive wisdom. But for all this to work you have to believe without
an atom of doubt. Look at the earth and everything in it. God created it with
his word, think about what you can create if you use the same word. That is why
our bible is our greatest asset on earth because in it lies our access to
living in the supernatural, I’m very sure we can walk on water like peter if we
speak the word. What a great privilege. Also, before you read the bible ask God
to open your eyes to understand what the bible says if not you won’t find anything
(Ephesians 3:1-5). My write-up does not do justice to all that was revealed today,
you can watch and listen to the preaching on YouTube (check Domi Stream:
Special Communion Service). I am even going to listen to it over and over
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Thanks for reading. Stay blessed and have a wonderful day😊.