
  The first time I heard this word was when Drake called someone a groupie in one of his songs, I did not check for the meaning until an influencer talked about it recently The google definitions are too extreme and derogatory but in the context of what I'm talking about a groupie can be someone who always wants to be with the "happening guys". After pondering about it for a couple of days I realized we might be and this mentee, mentor, networking, your association rave in Nigeria might have turned most of us to “groupies” in a way. The need to follow the latest popping person, enter their dms and introduce yourself, ask them to mentor you or to just be able to say I know them, bla bla bla   is turning some of us into something else I don’t have much to say but I pray we remember that as we appreciate the light in others, their talents and gifts, we'll never  lose sight of the light, talents and gifts we carry too. Appreciate them but focus on making your light ...

Excerpts from HeadStart AfricaSummit 2020.

Excerpts from HeadStart Africa Summit 2020

This includes all jottings of mine from the sessions with: Tola Onayemi, Tricia Ikponmwonba, Sola Animashaun and Patrick Nwakogo.I will be writing on only Tola Onayemis topic today.

Tola Onayemi
Topic: Kings Of The New Economy

Real wealth is in assets
Location is nolonger a global advantage(it means that labour can be sourced from anywhere)
Changes to Expect After this Pandemic
Companies strategic Alliances
Government and Business Alliances
Knowledge and connectivity will matter the most
Create ways through which the society can get what they want but cannot really access.
Business is common sense- It includes
Product -Service or asset
Distribution -how do I get it to people
Talent -How do I maintain it
Payment – How do I monetize it.
Industry means anybody, anywhere that can use my access.
How to create value at scale for a lot of people
Take responsibility
Try and own equity
Leverage Assets-Build it under your own name
Pillars of Business
Other tips:
Create a system that allows everyone to sign up, but focus on the big spenders and then everyone flows in.
Look for an industry that you can play long term.
Build for the global economy.

Leave a comment on your thoughts about this article. Stay blessed and have a wonderful day😊


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